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Live up to your career expectations,

Become the best you want to be,

And make your inspiration

your reality!!


This all started with a lot of challenges in my career.  I was always too shy to give my opinions, lacked self-confidence, always believed my opinions were less important than others, letting others take the lead and step all over me. I undermined my worth and I would often sob under my bed sheets for being so underachieved in my professional life. 


When my brief my relationship ended, I finally realized I needed to change my life around.  I knew the core problem was me,  and no one was to blame for my own misery. After discussing with my friends, I realized many of us face similar issues, and there were problems that needed to be addressed.


So, I started to interview Thinkers, Entrepreneurs and Authors because I knew many professionals face similar struggles. On this path of discovery, I had the privilege to meet many interesting, authentic and successful people. And the experience was truly humbling. 


I hope these interview articles will be useful for you, as they have been useful to me. Feel free to send me an email and tell me your feedback, or ask any career questions you have! And we will ask these questions to the interviewees on your behalf. :)


For those that live in Toronto, I also organize speakers series for young professionals! We have previously collaborated with Ryerson University/DMZ and also NAAAP Toronto. We hit on average 40 to 50 in attendance!! If you ever come into town, we hope to see you there!! 


Cheers, Jean



Email me at:

Jean Yang(Lala)

Liveitup Careers

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