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"They don’t go around and place a sticker on themselves but they have a disability."

"They don’t go around and place a sticker on themselves but they have a disability. They are high functioning individuals with Autistic spectrum disorder. Yet, they create amazing work just like someone without.

When we first started, I was in between jobs. I was always jumping from contracts to contracts.

My sister and her friends needed their packages delivered. So she thought about creating her own package company. Kirsten, my sister, approached me to become their first courier. Within 6 months to a year, we started getting more traction, and more media attention. We started with 6 people, and it snowballed into a non-profit for people with disabilities. We hired a lot of high functioning or developmental disabilities people, because they had a hard time with their employment. We created the safe space for them to come and work.

A lot of people come to us for jobs requests, and unfortunately we can’t fill them all. We don’t have enough resources to hire them.

People with disabilities have great retention rates. They are good with repetitive work. They are perfectionist. If someone can ask them a couple of questions, ask them what they are good at and give them a shot. They could surprise you.”

Jon, Co-founder of Good Foot Delivery GoodFoot is now employing 25+ couriers with disabilities. They create a great social impact on people's lives daily. They give their employees a place to come to & be apart of something greater.

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